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La Xixa Teatre homenatja el voluntariat de BarcelonActua
La Xixa Teatre homenatja BarcelonActua com a organització referent pel nostre innovador mètode de mobilització de voluntaris i com plantegem les nostres experiències de (...)
New BACstation unveiled with Rafinha and Thiago Alcántara
Taofik, Karim and Abdelkarim have been housed at the BACstation while they wait for an opportunity to regularise their legal situation and move one step closer towards emancipation.
All of (...)
Fundació Família Torres continues funding Families of the World project
The magazine De Vinos reported on the funding provided by the Fundació Família Torres for various projects, one of which is the Families of the World programme:
“This (...)
Yolanda, Woman of the World and entrepreneur
The 8TV programme 8maníacs interviewed Yolanda Akpoli, a Woman of the World who has opened her own business and is now an entrepreneur. In the programme, she describes her life as a woman in (...)
La Ventana interviews volunteers and users at La Llar de Raval
The programme heard about the lives of the unhoused people supported at BarcelonActua with the #LaLlardelRaval programme from Laia Serrano, our director; Beatriu and Jaume, volunteers on La Llar de (...)
Quin és el futur de la BACstation Arc de Triomf i els nois acollits allí?
Tot Barcelona investiga els plans de futur que té l'Ajuntament ara que a BAC, a partir del 31 de Desembre, no comptarem amb el finançament per mantenir la BACstation Arc de (...)
Abdelhaq, Bilal and Iliass: three BAC success stories
Betevé highlighted the difficulties faced by young migrants in obtaining a work permit. In this report, we saw how the lives of Abdelhaq, Bilal and Iliass had evolved after a year of (...)
Telefe Argentina coneix la BACstation i el programa d'inclusió
El programa de Telefe La vuelta al mundo con Edy Cifré davant l'actual problemàtica amb els refugiats i s'interessa pel nostre programa d'acollida per refugiats i (...)
Hamid: the long road from Iran to the BACstation
Hamid arrived at BarcelonActua at the age of 22 after fleeing Iran when he was just 16 years old. Now we are helping him move forward on this difficult path. He already has his papers and a roof (...)
A reference organisation for the reception process in Barcelona
The newspaper reported on the launch of a technical management office to deal with the increase in refugees seeking asylum arriving in the city of Barcelona.
BarcelonActua is listed as a (...)