Activities and Social Action Projects
Volunteering is one of the pillars of the foundation’s Sustainable Ecosystem, since part of our mission is to mobilise citizens. At BarcelonActua, we promote volunteering as a truly life-changing experience in which each volunteer both gives (time, training, expertise, etc.) and at the same time receives (personal fulfilment, training, gratitude, recognition, etc.).
Like what you’ve read so far but don’t know where to start?
Come along to BACbenvinguda! This is an information session where we explain which of the Foundation’s programmes you can get involved in and help you choose the one that suits you best.
The next session is due to be held in person on 17th Septemer at 5:30 p.m. at our head office. We look forward to seeing you!
The mutual enrichment of student-corporate volunteer is undeniable, a different way of carrying out volunteering that socially mobilizes companies and employees.
Mónica Ruiz - Voluntària Corporativa Telefónica
For me, being a student mentor means receiving and giving continuously. It motivates me to offer my support so that students can achieve their goals
Elpida Theodorakakou - Mentora Beques U-BAC
Being a volunteer at BarcelonActua is a synonymous of curiosity, projects, new opportunities, and equality
Antonia Saez - Coordinadora La Llar del Raval
I am the daughter of immigrants who arrived one day in search of a better life, and that drives me to get involved so that others do not suffer what they have suffered.
Safia El Aaddam
Every Sunday at the Raval breakfasts, we share ideas and experiences where we are all one, and everyone leaves having learned something new
Jelena Colak