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Migrant Up

Every year migrants with higher education qualifications from their countries of origin arrive in our city. They face significant obstacles in obtaining employment that is aligned with their training. This struggle stems not only from their often irregular immigration situation, which confines them to informal sector jobs out of necessity, but also because of the challenges associated with validating their qualifications in Spain. Without a resource network and access to information, they are unfairly consigned to precarious situations which in turn leads to a loss of talent and diversity within organisations in our society.

The Migrant Up programme provides migrants with the necessary information and advice to get their qualifications recognised in Spain. It also offers migrants academic scholarships, enabling them to earn the additional academic credits required for degree recognition. Scholarships are also given for the purpose of completing postgraduate studies to complement any previous training. At the same time, job mentors and counsellors are involved in supporting students and helping them enter the workplace.

Accreditation and scholarships allow society to harness the potential and human capital of migrants, all while enhancing the racial and cultural diversity of companies and administrations. This helps break down the association between migrants and low-skill jobs.

Lines of work
  • Financial Support
    Migrant Up scholarships cover the cost associated with recognising degrees from foreign universities as well as the cost of validating additional academic credits needed for Spanish accreditation. At the same time, the scholarships pay for studies that will allow participants to access high-skill work.
  • Academic and Employment Support
    Academic support is tailored to the needs of each participant, but it always involves continuous monitoring by the BAC team, tailored support from a volunteer mentor specialised in their field of study, and a job coach to provide them with guidance and to prepare for entering the workplace.
  • Psychological and Emotional Care
    No comprehensive support system would be complete without emotional support. For this reason, we work to create support spaces through specialists, workshops and listening circles to help students learn how to manage and express any emotional challenges they might encounter upon their arrival.




Economic Sustainability

This project is sustainable through the support of funders such as Frikifund